CalChiro Awards
Congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners!
Every year the California Chiropractic Association (CalChiro) seeks to honor individuals, districts and student chapters who have shown exceptional leadership in the organization, chiropractic profession and the community.
Congratulations to all our award winners! CalChiro and your community appreciate the hard work and dedication you give back to the profession. Award winners will be recognized at CalChiro’s Fall Conference 2024 at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa – Palm Desert on Saturday, October 12.

Doctor of the Year
Wayne Whalen DC, QME, FCCA

Outstanding New Practitioner of the Year
Alecia Beckford-Stewart DC

Student of the Year
Jorge Luis Pando Guzman

Distinguished Service Award
Kate Wong DC

Robert B Botterman Award
Elizabeth Wisniewski DC, PhD, RSMT, PPNE

Thomas N. Truax Award
Marissa Palmer DC

Charles & Bette Adams Lifetime Achievement Award
Tracy Cole DC, FCCA

Dr. Roy L. Garlett Jr. Volunteer Achievement Award
T. Jimmy Kazandjian DC, LAc

Industry Partner of the Year
Jane App
District of the Year Award
Orange County District
Student Chapter of the Year Award
Southern California University of Health Sciences

Most Improved District of the Year Award
San Gabriel Valley
Past Award Recipients
Doctor of the Year Award
The CalChiro Doctor of the Year Award is presented to the member doctor who has performed outstanding service to the profession.
Past Recipients
2023 – Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2022 – Alan Nunez DC
2020 – Nathan Yeargin DC
2019 – Phil Dieter DC
2018 – Anne Lundquist DC
2017 – Benjamin Griffe DC
2016- Timothy Gooing DC, FCCA
2015- Daniel Gambino DC
2014- Daniel Gambino DC
2013- Jack Bourla DC
2012- Leslie Hewitt DC, FCCA
2011- Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
2010- Brian Crawford DC
2009- John Bueler Jr. DC
2008- Marta Callotta DC
2007- R. Dean Harman DC
2006- Eric Mumbauer DC
2005- Robert Dubro DC
2004- Deborah Sampley DC
2003- Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2002- Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
2001- Martin Gallegos DC
2000- Peter Spencer DC
1999- Robert Argyelan DC
1998- Michael Pedigo DC
1997- Robert Dubin DC
1996- William Updyke DC
1995- Craig Little DC
1994- Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
1993- Robert Martin, DC
1992- Kurt Hegetschweiler
1991- Robert Dark
1990- No Award Given
1989- Mary Anderson DC
1988- Michael Pedigo DC
1987- Jerilynn Kaibel DC
1986- R. Lloyd Friesen DC, FCCA
1985- Roseann Slotkin DC
1984- John Du Bois DC
1983- Bill Uriarte DC
1982- Kurt Hegetschweiler DC
1981- Dean Cummings DC
1980- Gary Miller DC
1979- C. Robert Hastings DC
1978- Alfred Meadows DC
1977- Leroy R. Perry Jr. DC
1976- Andrew Jessen DC
1975- Dennis Swanson DC
1974- Arthur Breakiron DC
1973- Kai Drengler DC
1972- Leonard Savage DC
1971- Byron Anderson DC
1970- Willam Rosbury DC
1969- Willard Smith DC
1968- L.W. Umphrey DC
1967- Norman Marbeck DC
1966- Leonard Savage DC
1965- Alvin Shrader DC
1964- No Award Given
1963- Lowell Cripe DC
1962- Richard Gohl DC
1961- Robert Moore DC
1960- Beverly Cockrell DC
Student of the Year
The CalChiro Student of the Year Award is presented to a chiropractic student who has performed outstanding service to his/her student body and the chiropractic profession and has excelled in his/her personal achievement.
Past Recipients
2023: Molly Shamieh – LifeWest
2022: Eira Perez – SCUHS
2021: Kate Sakamoto
2020: Jonathan Anthony Enriquez Carlos
2019: Robert Butler
2018: John Maxwell Gooing
2017: Arash Aalem
2016: Tyler Meier
2015: Charlene Poderoso
2014: Jennifer Rathbun
2013: Nathan Yeargin
2012: Anne Bui
2011: No Award Given
2010: No Award Given
2009: Lance Cohen
2008: Erica Martin-Marbach
2007: Scott Elliott
2006: Misty Dickason
2005: Jennifer Chen
2004: Brant Pedersen
2002: Bryan Rudiak
Outstanding New Practitioner
The CalChiro Outstanding New Practitioner Award is presented to the member doctor who has made outstanding contributions to CalChiro, local district and/or the community within the first 3 years of licensure.
Past Recipients
2023: Maxwell Moore DC
2022: Maxwell Moore DC
2021: Robert J. Butler DC
2020: Arash Aalem DC
2019: Tyler Meier DC
2018: Bek Jarzombek DC & Meg Spicer DC
2017: Mindi Jenti DC
2016: Nathan Yeargin DC
2015: Christopher Norton DC
2014: No Award Winner
2013: Elizabeth Hoefer DC
2012: Ian Davis Temayne DC
2011: No Award Given
2010: Megan Mordcai DC
2009: Cathy Do DC
2008: David Schlute DC
2007: No Award Given
2006: No Award Given
2005: Maia James DC
2004: Micahel Brunner DC
2002: Kent Karras DC
Distinguished Service Award
The CalChiro Distinguished Service Award is presented to the member doctor who has performed outstanding service to their community.
Past Recipients
2023 – Tracy Cole DC, FCCA
2022 – Dave Benevento DC, FCCA
2021 – Sherry McAllister M.S. (Ed) DC, CCSP
2020 – Steven L. Smith DC
2019 – Brian Stenzler DC, FCCA
2018 – David Valle DC
2017 – Paul Hodgson DC
2016- Robert Dubro DC
2015- Richard Clymore DC
2014- Danny Gambino DC
2013- Victor Helo DC
2012- Randal Jones DC
2011- Robert Dubro DC
2010- Michael Budincich DC
2009- Robert Dubro DC
2008- Duncan McCollum DC
2007- Heather Dehn DC
2006- Vernon Englund DC
2005- Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
2004- Robert Dubro DC
2002- Brian Zaleski DC
Robert B Botterman Award
The CalChiro Robert B. Botterman Award is presented to a member who has done the most for the image of Chiropractic in the community.
Past Recipients
2023 – Bek Jarzombek DC, AVCA
2022 – Doctors Randy and Molly Jones
2021 – Steven L. Smith DC
2020 – Mehrak S. Assadian DC
2019 – Sherry McAllister MS(Ed), DC, CCSP
2018 – Sherry McAllister MS(Ed), DC, CCSP
2017 – William DeMoss DC
2016- William DeMoss DC
2015- Jason Deitch DC
2014- Leslie Hewitt DC, FCCA
2013- Darrel Crain DC
2012- James Carter DC
2011- Ed Le Cara DC
2010- Robert Dubro DC
2009- Randy Jones DC
2008- Bradley Glowacki DC
2007- Robert Martines DC
2006- David Paris DC
2002- David Hoewisch DC
Thomas N. Truax Award
The CalChiro Thomas N. Truax Award is awarded to the CalChiro member or another person in the legislative arena who has shown exceptional dedication to governmental affairs and/or political action that supports the Chiropractic profession.
Past Recipient
2023 – Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2022: Robert Martines DC
2020: Meg Spicer DC
2019: William Updyke DC
2018: David Paris DC
2017: Clifford Tao DC
2016: Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2015: No Award Given
2014: Kathleen Kendra DC
2013: Eric Mumbauer DC
2012: Kassie Donoghue DC
2011: No Award Given
2010: Chris Braun DC
2009: Stephen Barkalow DC
2008: Robb Russell DC
2007: Robert Chatfield DC
2006: Robert Dubro DC
2005: Donald Ringer DC
2004: William Updyke DC
2002: Eric Mumbauer DC
Dr. Roy Garlett Jr. Volunteer of the Year Award
The Dr. Roy L. Garlett Jr. Volunteer of the Year Award is given to a member that the CalChiro staff wishes to recognize for their hard work and dedication to the association.
Past Recipients
2023 – Dennis Buckley DC, FCCA
2022- Meg Spicer DC
2021- Drew Fogg DC
2020- R. Lloyd Friesen DC, FCCA
Charles & Bette Adams Lifetime Achievement Award
The Charles & Bette Adams Lifetime Achievement Award is presented by the current CalChiro President to the member who has, throughout their career, strived to improve the profession of Chiropractic.
Past Recipients
2023 – Moses Jacob DC, FCCA
2022- Bill Updyke DC
2021- Leslie Hewitt DC, FCCA
2020- Gerard W. Clum DC
2019- Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2018- R. Lloyd Friesen DC, FCCA
2017- Jerilynn Kaibel DC
2016- Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
2015- Frank Sovinsky DC
2014- Charles Gibson DC
2013- Dennis Buckley DC, FCCA
2012- Willard Smith DC
2011- William Updyke DC
2010- R. Dean Harman DC
2009- Kassie Donoghue DC
2008- John Bueler Jr. DC
2007- Robert Dubin DC
2006- Reed Phillips DC, PhD
2005- John Thie DC
2004- Robert Dark DC
2003- Bradley J. Sullivan DC, FCCA
2002- Jerilynn Kaibel DC
2001- Michael Pedigo DC
2000- John David Hemauer DC
1999- Roy L. Garlett Jr., DC
1998- R. Llyod Friesen DC, FCCA
District of the Year
The CalChiro District of the Year Award is given to the district that has made outstanding accomplishments for the Chiropractic profession and/or fulfillment of CalChiro programs for the year.
Past Recipient
2023 – Orange County District
2022- Santa Clara County District
2021- Orange County District
2020- Orange County District
2019- Orange County District
2018- Orange County District
2017- Orange County & San Diego District
2016- Orange County & San Diego District
2015- San Diego District
2014- San Diego District
2013- San Diego District
2012- San Diego District
2011- San Fernando Valley District
2010- San Fernando Valley District
2009- Orange County District
2008- Orange County District
2007- Santa Clara County District
2006- San Francisco District
2005- San Fernando Valley District
2004- San Fernando Valley District
2002- San Fernando Valley District
Student Chapter of the Year
The CalChiro Student Chapter of the Year Award is given to the student chapter that has made outstanding accomplishments for the Chiropractic profession and/or fulfillment of CalChiro programs for the year.
Past Recipient
2023: Southern California University of Health Sciences
2022: Southern California University of Health Sciences
2021: Southern California University of Health Sciences
2020: Southern California University of Health Sciences
2019: Palmer College of Chiropractic West
2018: Southern California University of Health Sciences
Most Improved District of the Year
The CalChiro Most Improved District of the Year Award is awarded to the district that made the most improvement in the previous year.
Past Recipients
2023 – San Bernardino/Riverside Counties District
2022 – San Diego County District
2020 – San Diego County District
2020 – North District
2019 – Alameda County District
2018 – Riverside County District
2017 – Long Beach District
2016 – Santa Monica District
2015 – San Gabriel Valley District
2014 – Central Coast District
2013 – No Award Given
2012 – Long Beach District
2011 – No Award Given
2010 – Orange County District
2009 – Monterey Bay District
2008 – Monterey Bay District
2007: No Award Given
2006: North State District
2005: Long Beach District
2004: San Francisco District
2002: San Fernando Valley District
Industry Partner of the Year
The CalChiro Industry Partner of the Year Award is presented to a Professional Affiliate member who has performed outstanding service to the profession and association.
Past Recipients
2023 – Jane App
2022 – Quartermaster Tax
2021 – Shawn Steel Law Firm
2020 – Michael Coates – Founder & President of Medical Lien Recovery
Presidential Award
The Presidential Award is given to members the President of CalChiro wishes to recognize for their hard work and dedication to the association.
Past Recipient(s)
2023 – Jimmy Kazandjian DC, LAc
Anita Haque DC, FCCA
2022 – Dave Paris DC
Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
2021 – Robert D. Chatfield DC
Mehrak Assadian DC, CCSP
2020 – Casey Tucker DC
2019 – Lisa Thomson DC, CFMP, CME
Eric Gofnung DC
2018 – Sherry McAllister DC
2017 – Gerald Clum DC
Life Chiropractic College West
Palmer West Chiropractic College
Southern California University of Health Sciences
Shawn Steel, Esq.
Keith Carlson, Esq.
Michael Schroeder, Esq.
2016 – Floyd Minana DC
Jason Shumard DC
Eric Plasker DC
Bradley Glowaki DC
Clifford Tao DC
Kevin Joe DC
2015 – Jeff Hayes
David Jackson DC
Jay Shery DC
Kenneth Winer DC, FCCA
Roy Garlett Jr. DC
John Bueler Jr. DC
2014 – Robert Chatfield DC
Rodney Cummings DC
Kathleen Kendra DC
Eric Mumbauer DC
Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
2013 – Leslie Hewitt DC, FCCA
Eric Mumbauer DC
Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
Grace Syn DC
Kenneth Winer DC, FCCA
R. Dean Harman DC
2012 – James Carter DC
Leslie Hewitt DC, FCCA
Roy Garlett Jr. DC
Kim DeWeese DC
Steve Hammer DC
Rob Walsh DC
Jack Bourla DC
2011 – Matthew Hubbard DC
Vernon Englund DC
William Howe DC
Kassie Donoghue DC
2010 – Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
Clifford Tao DC
Kevin Joe DC
William Updyke DC
Ed Cremata
2009 – Brian Crawford DC
Kim DeWeese-Guyer
Kevin Joe DC
Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
Scott Van Horn
2008 – Juliano Callaci DC
William Howe DC
Fred Lerner DC
Bradley Sullivan DC, FCCA
Kristine Schultz
Randy Waters DC
Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
Brian Stiger DC
2007 – Robert Chatfield DC
Timothy Gay DC
Kerry Keiser DC
2006 – William Updyke DC
Governmental Advocates Inc.
Jim Donoghue DC
2005 – Misty Durr
Bradley Foster, DC
Patrick Shannon
Raymond Ursillo DC
2004 – Wayne Whalen DC, FCCA
Robert Jaramillo DC
Michael Sackett DC
Robert Dubin DC
Brian Zaleski DC